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Overwritten tie-points

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 3:31 pm
by Darren Wiley
Hello SimActive team,

I am working on a project with a big section covering dense vegetation (trees), If I run a different tie point extraction type, will my previous tie-points get overwritten?

Thank you!


Re: Overwritten tie-points

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2023 3:32 pm
by David Alamillo
Hello Darren,

Thank you for reaching out. For this type of terrain, we recommend using the "exhaustive" tie point extraction. Correlator3D will display a warning message, informing you that existing tie points—including any manually created ones—will be deleted. However, the first step of the tie point extraction process ("Detecting features") won’t need to be repeated, so the software will automatically skip it.