Community 3.3.6

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By Ruben Peck
Hi community,

I am not sure if Correlator3D can generate a Seed DEM, as we don't require a full DSM or DTM, any help would be appreciated on how/where to generate it...
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By David Alamillo
Hi Ruben,

I would be happy to assist with your question. Yes, Correlator3D offers a tool to automatically create a seed DEM. The software creates a DEM with the boundaries computed from the provided project and with every elevation point set at the
specified terrain height.

To create a seed DEM, perform the following operations:

1. Select “Seed DEM Creation…” in the “Processes” menu.
2. Specify the average terrain height.
3. Click on the “Process” button. Real-time feedback on the overall progress of processing
will be provided. Once the process is done, the seed DEM will appear in the main window.
By Ruben Peck
Hi David,

Just to let you know it worked quite well. We had a project over water (flat surface) and this process produced excellent results.


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Generate a SEED DEM

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