Community 3.3.6

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By Danny Branch
I would like to know if it's possible to use a local coordinate system in Correlator3D? we have a mining site to process, which has its own local coordination system.
best regards,
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By Thomas Barucchi
Hello Danny,

Yes it is possible to use a local coordinate system in Correlator3D.
You only have to know the unit of your local system, if it's rotated (from geographic north). You also need to have ground control points with coordinates in your local system.

You can then import your images and set the projection to any system using the same unit as your local system (meter or feet).

Once your images are imported, add the GCPs. They should appear very far from your images. In order to reproject your images on the same system, simply tag your GCPs, then do a bundle adjustment. You images will then be reprojected using your local coord. system.

You'll then be able to generate your elevation model, ortho, mosaics, etc., in your local system.

Do not hesitate to ask if you have any question.
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Yes, that is correct Jeff.

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