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By Danny Branch
Hi C3D users!

I am working on a data set that was RTK collected + GCPs/Checkpoints, results are fine, however, our supervisor would like to see the AT done with GCPs as an alternative, this looks like it would require us to process the data twice, I was wondering if there is a way to save the 2 AT runs and only have one project?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
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By David Alamillo
Hello Danny,

I would be happy to help with your question. A fast option would be to copy (ctrl+c) the entire project folder and make all the necessary edits on the copy.

A second option to work within the same project would be to make a copy of the existing IEO folder (located under Correlator 3D -> IEO) and save it, this IEO folder will contain your current AT steps (RTK bundle adjustment) of the existing project. Once the copy has been made, feel free to delete the current steps in the project tree and re-run your bundle adjustment step using: EO adjustment: Full AT unconstrained and your ground references to GCPs, if you wish to use any of your existing checkpoints as GCPs simply edit the GCP and update to Type: GCP. If you wish to bring back the original IEO folder (RTK bundle adjustment) , simply copy it back to its original directory. Important to note, you cannot have two IEO folders in the same folder directory.
By Danny Branch
Quick update: It worked out great. I was able to demonstrate why GCPs are still around, and will always be essential to any project. Again, thanks for the trick.

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