Community 3.3.6

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By Ross Bowen

I just updated to the latest version and will be testing the latest geoid update, I'll be downloading Geoid12B as it is the most used in our projects.

I'll keep you guys posted if I have any questions or comments!
By Elena Donovan

Yes, we began trying the options found in C3D's manual regarding how to add a local geoid, we have effectively added: us_noaa_g2012bu0.tif, to our config text file, and it worked quite well in our recent project.

Finally, for anyone asking where the config.txt file is, you can find it here: "C:\Users\......\Documents\Simactive\Correlator3D\Config.txt"
and I added a final line:
ExtraGeoids us_noaa_g2012bu0.tif

Final recommendation: make sure Correlator3d is closed before editing and saving the config.txt file, otherwise it will not save your changes.
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By David Alamillo
Thanks for your recommendations Elena. Only to add that if you wish to add any additional geoids you can find them on this website:, simply copy the name to your config.txt file and they should be downloaded automatically.

Additionally, please find a recording to our latest webinar covering additional functionality here:
By Elena Donovan
Good to know, David! We also noticed, the geoid option only applies to LAT/Long inputs and not with Eastern/Northing tags, for now this is all good, however, wondering if this will be available in the future.

I discussed with the team and we can also run a quick conversion to LAT/Long if needed.

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